
The Seekers - Georgy Girl | Releases | Discogs

“Georgy Girl,” the upbeat anthem for quirky individuality, wasn’t always destined for iconic status. Originally composed by Tom Springfield for his sister Dusty, the song languished in obscurity until filmmaker Silvio Narizzano sought a theme song for his upcoming comedy, “Georgy Girl.” Springfield, hesitant to part with the melody, eventually struck a deal: he’d compose the music, but his brother Jim Dale would write the lyrics, tailoring them to the film’s protagonist.

Dale’s lyrics breathed life into “Georgy Girl,” painting a whimsical portrait of a woman who marches to the beat of her own drum. The “Georgy Girl” of the song is a nonconformist, with hair of “peppermint and tea” and a penchant for wearing “bells on her knees.” She’s clumsy, quirky, and utterly charming, her eccentricities making her all the more endearing.

Sung by the Australian folk-pop group The Seekers, the song perfectly captured the film’s spirit. Its lighthearted melody and playful vocals resonated with audiences worldwide, topping charts in Australia, the UK, and even reaching near-peak on the Billboard Hot 100 in the US.

“Georgy Girl” became more than just a movie theme song; it became an anthem for anyone who ever felt ostracized for their quirks. It’s a celebration of individuality, a reminder that being different is not a flaw, but a source of strength and charm. So, the next time you feel like putting on your “bells on your knees,” let “Georgy Girl” be your soundtrack, a joyful reminder to embrace your unique and wonderful self.



Hey there, Georgy girl
Swingin’ down the street so fancy-free
Nobody you meet could ever see
The loneliness there
Inside you

Hey there, Georgy girl
Why do all the boys just pass you by?
Could it be you just don’t try
Or is it the clothes you wear?

You’re always window-shopping
But never stopping to buy
So, shed those dowdy feathers and fly
A little bit

Hey there, Georgy girl
There’s another Georgy deep inside
Bring out all the love you hide
And, oh, what a change there’d be
The world would see
A new Georgy girl

Hey there, Georgy girl
Dreamin’ of the someone you could be
Life is a reality
You can’t always run away

Don’t be so scared of changing
And rearranging yourself
It’s time for jumping down from the shelf
A little bit

Hey there, Georgy girl
There’s another Georgy deep inside
Bring out all the love you hide
And, oh, what a change there’d be
The world would see
A new Georgy girl

(Hey there, Georgy girl)
Wake up, Georgy girl
(Hey there, Georgy girl)
Come on, Georgy girl
(Hey there, Georgy girl)
Wake up, Georgy girl
(Hey there, Georgy girl)
Come on, Georgy girl