
That’s Not How It Is: A Look Back at Toby Keith’s Patriotic Anthem
Released in 2002 on Toby Keith’s album “Unleashed,” “That’s Not How It Is” quickly became an anthem for American patriotism in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. The song, however, has a more complex history than just a post-tragedy response.

Keith, known for his outspoken and often controversial views, wasn’t afraid to tackle political themes in his music. “That’s Not How It Is” reflects this. While the song celebrates American values and criticizes those who don’t understand them, it avoids directly mentioning 9/11.

The exact inspiration for the song remains unclear. Some speculate it was a response to a growing anti-American sentiment abroad following the US invasion of Afghanistan. Others suggest it was a more general commentary on those who take American freedoms for granted.

Regardless of its original intent, “That’s Not How It Is” resonated deeply with a nation grappling with fear and a sense of vulnerability after 9/11. The song’s message of American strength, resilience, and unwavering belief in its ideals struck a chord.

The song’s popularity was further boosted by its inclusion on a compilation album, “A Tribute to Heroes,” which benefitted the families of 9/11 victims. Keith also performed the song at numerous benefit concerts, solidifying its place as a post-9/11 anthem.

However, “That’s Not How It Is” also attracted criticism. Some found the song’s nationalistic tone overly simplistic and potentially divisive. Others felt it was disrespectful to those who had lost loved ones in the attacks by offering a more generic message of patriotism.

Despite the criticism, “That’s Not How It Is” remains a significant song in Toby Keith’s career and a reflection of a nation’s mood in the aftermath of a national tragedy. Whether a celebration of American values or a more nuanced commentary, the song continues to spark debate and stands as a testament to the power of music to capture a moment in time.
