
Unveiling Elvis’ “Tell Me Why”: A Song with a Twist
Elvis Presley’s “Tell Me Why” might surprise some fans. Though released in 1965 and reaching No. 15 on the UK charts, the song’s recording history goes much further back. Originally written by Titus Turner in 1956, “Tell Me Why” was a soulful R&B ballad with a melody echoing the hymn “Just a Closer Walk with Thee.” The first charted version belonged to Marie Knight, a rising Black R&B singer.

Elvis entered the picture in 1957. During a recording session, the young King of Rock and Roll laid down his own passionate rendition of “Tell Me Why.” However, the song never saw the light of day. Theories suggest it was shelved due to its melodic similarity to the gospel-rooted “Just a Closer Walk with Thee,” potentially raising concerns about cultural appropriation.

For nearly a decade, Elvis’ “Tell Me Why” remained unreleased. His musical journey had shifted towards soundtracks and commercially-driven tunes. Then, in 1964, RCA, Elvis’ record label, decided to revisit the vaults. They unearthed the 1957 recording and felt it resonated with the burgeoning Blues revival. With a few minor tweaks, “Tell Me Why” by Elvis Presley was finally released in November 1965.

Despite its soulful roots and Elvis’ powerful vocals, “Tell Me Why” didn’t quite recapture the magic of his earlier hits. Radio stations, increasingly focused on the latest trends, offered waning support. However, the song remains a fascinating glimpse into Elvis’ musical versatility. It showcases his early R&B influences and soulful delivery, a reminder of the raw talent that propelled him to stardom. So, the next time you hear “Tell Me Why,” remember its hidden history – a song originally crafted for the R&B scene, then resurrected a decade later to become a footnote in the Elvis Presley legend.
