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Lawdy Miss Clawdy: A Rockin’ Revival with The King
Elvis Presley’s electrifying rendition of “Lawdy Miss Clawdy” during the 1968 Comeback Special wasn’t just a performance – it was a turning point. By 1968, Elvis’ career had dipped. A string of Hollywood musicals hadn’t captured the raw energy of his early rock and roll days. The Comeback Special, however, aimed to reignite that fire.

The song itself has a rich history. “Lawdy Miss Clawdy” originated as a jump blues number, likely written by Lloyd Price in 1956. The lyrics tell the story of a man lamenting a fickle woman named Miss Clawdy. The high-energy rhythm and blues style was perfect for Elvis, whose early career had been heavily influenced by the genre.

Elvis first recorded his version of “Lawdy Miss Clawdy” in 1956, shortly after Price’s original. It became a staple of his live shows, showcasing his signature blend of rock and roll and gospel influences. The song’s call-and-response format, punctuated by the pleading “Lawdy Miss Clawdy,” allowed for audience participation, a key element of Elvis’ electrifying stage presence.

Fast forward to 1968. The Comeback Special was a gamble for Elvis. He shed the glitz of his movie persona, opting for a more intimate setting with a live band. Dressed in black leather, Elvis exuded a raw energy that had been missing from his recent work.

The performance of “Lawdy Miss Clawdy” during the Special became a defining moment. Elvis belts out the vocals with a ferocity that hadn’t been heard in years. The band is tight, propelling the song forward with a driving rhythm. Elvis’ signature hip gyrations return, electrifying the audience.

This performance wasn’t just about nostalgia. It was a declaration. Elvis wasn’t done. He still had the power to move audiences, and “Lawdy Miss Clawdy” served as a potent reminder of his musical roots and undeniable charisma. The Comeback Special, and particularly this performance, is credited with revitalizing Elvis’ career. He would go on to record some of his most acclaimed work in the following years.

So, when you hear Elvis wail “Lawdy Miss Clawdy” during the Comeback Special, it’s more than just a song. It’s a testament to his enduring talent, a declaration of his rock and roll legacy, and a powerful reminder of the King’s triumphant return.
