“I’ve Lost You” is a poignant ballad originally written by Alan Blaikley and Ken Howard (under the pen name “Steve Barlby”) for Iain Matthews. Released in 1969 on Matthews’ debut solo album, the song found renewed life in 1970 when it was covered by the iconic Elvis Presley.
Presley’s version, recorded during his Nashville sessions in June 1970, became a standout track on his album “That’s the Way It Is.” Released as a single in July 1970, it climbed the charts, reaching number 32 on the Billboard Hot 100. The song’s success solidified Presley’s enduring appeal and showcased his ability to connect with audiences through heartfelt and emotionally resonant music.
“I’ve Lost You” tells the tale of a love gone astray, capturing the raw pain and longing of a lost connection. Presley’s soulful vocals and the song’s melancholic melody resonate with listeners, making it a timeless classic that continues to touch hearts decades after its release.