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The Statler Brothers Set Sail with “Noah Found Grace in the Eyes of the Lord”
“Noah Found Grace in the Eyes of the Lord” isn’t just a catchy gospel tune by the Statler Brothers; it’s a retelling of a familiar Biblical story. The song’s origins lie not just with the famed country music group, but in the rich tradition of gospel music itself.

While the exact date of composition remains elusive, the story of Noah’s Ark is a cornerstone of Abrahamic religions, appearing in the Torah, Bible, and Quran. The tale of a righteous man chosen by God to build an ark and save humanity from a great flood has resonated for millennia. It’s no surprise then, that countless musical interpretations have emerged throughout history.

The Statler Brothers, known for their smooth harmonies and country gospel sound, likely weren’t the first to depict Noah’s story in song. However, their version, possibly written by Richard H. Schmertz, captured the essence of the narrative with a folksy charm.

“Noah Found Grace” doesn’t shy away from portraying the world’s wickedness that prompted the flood. But it also emphasizes the core message: Noah’s favor with God and his act of obedience in building the ark. The simple, yet powerful lyrics paint a picture of a righteous man following God’s instructions, facing doubt, and ultimately finding salvation.

So as the familiar melody of “Noah Found Grace in the Eyes of the Lord” fills your ears, remember that it’s not just a song – it’s a continuation of a centuries-old tradition of storytelling that reminds us of faith, hope, and the enduring power of divine favor.
